
What is Micro-Hydrabrasion?

Hydrabrasion is a system of intense exfoliation and resurfacing that rejuvenates the skin by using a diamond tip and water, whilst a vacuum sweeps up the skins cellular debris.

It is used for skin resurfacing and treating a range of skin abnormalities. Hydrabrasion can be combined with a medical skin peel for a complete resurfacing treatment

Since the combination of skin exfoliation with slight suction stimulates the production of new, living cells at the base level of the skin, the result is healthier, fresher skin with enhanced elasticity and texture. Over the series of treatments, you will also notice tightening of enlarged pores, elimination of blackheads and whiteheads, and a reduction of blemishes caused by sun damage.

Immediately after your first treatment the skin feels smoother, after the third treatment the skin is visibly glowing. There is no "healing time", no need to hide away for days or weeks before returning to your normal lifestyle.